Worshipful Brother
J. Nicholson
The history of Lynn Valley Lodge begins in 1931 when it was duly constituted on September 3rd by our Founding Master, Wor. Brother J. Nicholson. During that year a few notable Canadians were born such as John Crosbie , Jean BĂ©liveau, and William Shatner and in South Africa Desmond Tutu was born. Thomas Edison submitted his last patent, Ottawa lists the "Precautions for handling Radioactive Ore" and Maple Leaf Gardens opens in Toronto. The Honorable Simon F. Tolmie is Premier of British Columbia and Canada wins gold in hockey at the Olympics the following year. The District of North Vancouver is only 40 years young.
While it would not be possible at this time to list each incident that has taken place and each time that has been added over the years, still an attempt can be made to tell part of the story. Obviously, the acquisition of the meeting hall was the prime concern, and the one that occupied most of the efforts of members during the early years.For seven years the brethren had been trying to create an identity for their lodge: from May 20, 1923, to May 30, 1930. During that time they held their meetings wherever they could find space available. The original meeting place, the hall above Bro. Morris' store, on Ross Road at Centre Road, served as the main location of the meetings for the first two years.
The Building Committee looked into other buildings in the area, but none were satisfactory. So the possibility of buying a piece of land and building their own hall was considered; there were two cleared lots available on the east side of Centre Road, near the school, belonging to J. H. Fromme. The price for the lots was 250.00, but the fledgling lodge had no treasury as yet, and they needed a hall immediately, so the basement of the Methodist church on Institute Road was next considered. An estimate was made of the cost of alterations necessary to make the church basement suitable for lodge meetings, and one meeting was held there, on April 19, 1923. But they returned to the hall over the store for the meeting on September 2, and at that time Bro. Harris offered the use of his premises free if the members would make the changes that were needed.
The cost of these repairs was estimated, but the idea did not proceed even though the meetings continued to be held there for another year. The brethren purchased the Fromme lots on Centre Road on August 29, 1926, but the hoped-for hall was never built. In January 1926, the local School Board showed an interest in purchasing these lots, and in June 1927, the Grouse Mountain Highway and Scenic Resort Company wanted to lease or buy them. Both these plans were dropped, however, and the lots were not sold until April 1928, when the School Board purchased them for $650.00 - less the current taxes of $20.00. Two new lots were then purchased, for $58.00 on Lynn Valley Road. These lots were retained until early thirties, when hard times, and greater pressure maintaining a hall, resulted in their loss through defaulted taxes. During 1925 the Social Club was using Institute Hall, on Institute Road, for their whist drives and dances, so the April 25 meeting was held there also.
1926 was a year of many moves for the Lynn Valley brethren: the January meeting was held at Institute Hall; the next two meetings in February and April were held at the Foresters Hall on Lynn Valley Road at Harold Road. They went back to Institute Hall for two meetings then in May the brethren moved to the Masonic Temple, on Lonsdale Avenue in North Vancouver, to conduct one meeting of their own, and to take the chairs at a Duke of Connaught meeting. The Municipal Hall on Lynn Valley Road at Fromme Road was the location of the meetings during 1927. Meetings in January and April 1928 were held back at Institute Hall. Then the library of the Masonic Temple on Lonsdale became the last temporary home of the Brethren forming the Lynn Valley Lodge. Meetings were held there until May 1930, by which time the granting of dispensation had been assured and Foresters Hall had been leased. Repairs were well under way when the brethren met for the last time in the "Foresters Hall" on May 20. By June 9, Foresters Hall had a new name and the new lodge had a home.